Monday, June 18, 2012

Rizzo Runway: Episode 4 with special guest Junior Doctor


  1. so you're a huge part of the music industry, but you've never heard of Fun?

  2. I've heard of their song but not them, I am not the biggest fan of their music and don't really deal with them or hear so much about them. I'm sorry if I have offended/disappointed you in anyway. I listen to my favorite types of music and my favorite bands a lot and therefore I pay more attend to their music and things that they are doing in the industry more than other bands I don't really like or have an interest in. Plus, I'm always very busy doing other things that when I find out information about bands that I'm not so much aware of such as Fun, the things I hear about them don't always stick in my mind and I forget about them sorry.

    - Aimmee
