Thursday, December 27, 2012

Twitter Questions Answered!

Hello you guys,

I'm here to answer the questions I have gotten on twitter. If you have any of your own that you would like me to answer, just send an inbox or tweet (a few x please so I can see it) with your name so we can credit you, if you like!

1. What has been the highlight of your time since you became an author? (Asked By: Ellie Bennet)

Meeting so many people who love fiction/fantasy books just as much as I do has been pretty awesome! Especially the HP fans, can't beat them.

2. What are two things you could never live without? (Asked By: Jes McGrath)
Music & Friends.

3. What are the last 3 played songs on your ipod right now? (Asked By: Milena Rutkiewicz)
Lego House- Ed Sheeran, The Vedlt - DeadMau5, and Find you Somewhere - Ace.

4. What is your favorite language? (Asked By: Paige Hooran)
Oh, tie between English & Greek.

5. Are you going to release anything before the sequel to Zephyr? (Asked By: Julia Lin)
No idea yet, maybe!

6. Sky dive or Bungee Jump? (Asked By: Lara Yen)
Sky Dive!

Zephyr The West Wind, the Debut Novel from R.J. Tolson, is available for purchase online and in store, now.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What is Senjutsu or Sen-Jut-Su?

Hey everyone,

I have gotten a few people asking me the general same question of what is Sen-Jut-Su or Senjustu because it is listed in my biography in Zephyr The West Wind. First off, if you don't know, I love exploring not just the physical world, but also learning about the cultures of the world/past and experiencing them. I am really into Greco-Roman and Japanese history, and Senjutsu stems from the Japanese line. A few years ago, when I first began discovering about metaphysics, the latter study and my martial arts training connected. On a visit to a temple while on vacation, I had asked one of the "monks" what it was like living there, and if they did martial arts (more as a joke). With a very serious tone, he replied, "I am not a monk, I am a sage". Long story short, I learned of sages for the first time and that they were different from monks. Although like monks, there are many different views on "what a sage is and does" throughout human history, I came to follow the belief that a sage was one who "encompassed great wisdom, knowledge, and power for the utilization of being". Sages are not enlightened beings, but are those who work on the path to being one.

Thus the question of Senjutsu can be answered. Senjustu is japanese for both "Sage Arts and Sage Techniques". Just as "Martial Arts" is derived from latin meaning "Arts of Mars" (Mars being the god of War), Senjutsu can be referred to as Sage Arts respectively. Simply, to be a sage, one must conquer their inner metaphysical reality, obtain great wisdom and knowledge, and master their physical reality (martial arts = power) all of which are the parts that make of Sen-jut-su. 

Simple version: Senjutsu means "Sage Arts"and is the term used to describe the system and tradition in becoming a Sage.

Side note: I have a friend that mentioned he saw Sages/Senjutsu used in the japanese anime Naruto, which I think is is hilarious and awesome, just like when martial arts is used in movies.

Hope you had a good holiday,

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chicago Update

Hello everyone,

Apparently I have gotten some inbox complaints on twitter asking me to post more updates on this blog. Haha well I'm gonna try to post more from now on. 

Here goes the first update in a while..

I've been in Chicago for about six days now. I came to meet with my publicists (Yes, for Zephyr the West Wind) and I had a great first two days looking around the city (1st time). Then...I caught the flu and have been stuck here since. I'm travelling back to LA tmrw, and sadly haven't been up to working on Book 2 or anything else until today, but I'll keep ya posted with more soon.

Thanks for everything!